Becoming a Member
For Tapestry, membership is making official what we hope you have already realized:
That you belong here.
Your values align with our values. You have been inspired and uplifted by worship. You are interacting with fellow disciples who energize and encourage you. You feel like your faith is growing. You want to continue to be a part of this faith community.
We welcome all to the Lord’s Table, just as we have been welcomed by God, and we welcome everyone to join us on the journey of faith.
If you feel like you are ready to add your strand to our tapestry and officially join the church, click here to contact one of our ministers.
Membership FAQ
Benefits of Being a Member
Practically speaking, it only changes the category in which you are counted, but there are a few benefits:
Vote. Membership gives you the right to vote in congregational meetings.
Leadership Positions. Membership allows you to serve in certain leadership positions.
Community. Joining is like coming home to a new family!
Expectations of Being a Member
While there are few real benefits, there are several expectations to which we hold one another accountable in the practice of Christian faith.
Grow. We expect one another to cultivate spirituality. To pray, learn, and grow. Join a book club, attend a bible study, or commit to a daily devotional.
Worship. We expect one another to show up in person as often as we can. And to join in worship online whenever that’s not possible. Our presence matters.
Serve. We expect one another to commit to service. We have tons of opportunities within and through Tapestry to help make our community a better place.
Give. We expect one another to share our material resources to help further the church’s mission and goals.
Be. We expect one another to live as people of integrity and according to the teachings of Jesus. We accept the sacred responsibility of being a representative of Tapestry in our community and beyond.
Process for Becoming a Member
Once you’ve decided to become a member, a member of the pastoral staff will contact you. They will connect you with our Office Manager to take care of the details.
After that, we will do a New Member Spotlight in an upcoming eNews and acknowledge your joining during an upcoming worship service.
We will acknowledge your joining and invite you to the front to share a bit about who you are and why you are joining. There is an option to publicly reaffirm your faith in Jesus as the Christ or to recommit to the teachings of Jesus. Or, if you prefer not to be up front, you can just wave from your seat.
Then, we'll join in this responsive reading and prayer:
Reaffirming our own faith in Jesus the Christ,
We gladly welcome you into this community.
We give thanks that you are adding your thread(s) to our Tapestry,
And we pray that God will continue to weave us together as one.
Through God’s Spirit, we recommit ourselves:
To continue growing in our faith,
To love and support one another,
And to encourage one another in service to others,
So that we all may be woven together in Christ’s love.
*A Note About Baptism
Baptism is not required for membership. But baptism is a beautiful way to publicly demonstrate your commitment to the ways of Christ.
At Tapestry, we practice baptism by immersion, for those old enough to make an informed decision but we recognize all forms of baptism. That means we trust God’s work through other forms and times just as powerfully.
If you’ve never been baptized, please talk to one of our ministers to learn more about this important step!